Industry safety group 'Step Change in Safety' yesterday announced the measurement strategy for helicopter passengers travelling to and from offshore installations.
The strategy follows Step Change’s announcement in October 2014 that helicopter passengers will be measured by the width of their shoulders, and those who measure greater than 22” (55.9cm) will be classed as Extra Broad (XBR). Extra Broad passengers will be required to sit in a helicopter seat that’s closest window is compatible with their shoulder size.
Helicopter passengers will be measured by specially-trained medics either on offshore installations or at onshore medical providers. Measurement courses will also be available from the beginning of February and can be booked through medical providers.
Les Linklater, executive director for Step Change in Safety, said: “This strategy is the simplest and most effective way to make sure helicopter passengers are measured correctly, and that passengers are transported safely to and from offshore installations.
“The Passenger Size workgroup has worked hand-in-hand with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and has been informed by Dr Arthur Stewart, an expert on anthropometry at Robert Gordon University. Dr Stewart is an internationally-acclaimed expert in this field and we are grateful for his guidance and support throughout the process.
“This measurement strategy marks the evolution of helicopter safety and is another major step towards ensuring the UK is the safest oil and gas province in the world to work in.”